Don't Curse the Nurse!

Sharing support with stories & humor

A Question

on February 14, 2016

obamacareI know the primaries are the obvious focus of news right now, but there is still a thought I am throwing out for any feedback:

In general, is there less discussion about President Obama’s Affordable Care Act because people are distracted or apathetic, or is it because it hasn’t turned out to be such a bad thing after all?

5 responses to “A Question

  1. Depends on who you ask I think. I still think it was a horrible deal and he lied through his teeth. People had plans dropped, insurance companies raised rates and shifted benefits… and tons of people still don’t have “affordable healthcare.” Failure.

    • Susan says:

      Well put. We had a discussion at work today and the consensus was that not only was the execution of his plan done in a fumbling manner, but the Affordable Care Act was well crafted to look transparent in its benefits while never making the impact it should have.

      • Anything to get his pet project through right? In theory it is a great idea. But if you are going to make a “national healthcare system” make it “national.” Don’t just give it to some. That ain’t national…

  2. emdagny says:

    I think this election has taken so many turns. Discussion seems to be about going in vastly different directions. I actually think Obamacare troubles have been something inspiring this phenomenon. Sanders wants completely socialized medicine. (And that he is a real challenge to Hillary is a shocker). Trump wants to replace it. (And who would have thought he would be leading in the polls.) Only Hillary is talking about strengthening it (which seems a tacit admission of how troubled it is).

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