Don't Curse the Nurse!

Sharing support with stories & humor

What -is -it?

on July 30, 2016


I don’t always see it between my patients and their family. It bothers me, so I’ve thought about it and come up with this.

I think Love is art.

Sometimes I see a piece of work I don’t understand.

You can look at a piece, whether it be an oil painting, mixed media, a sculpture, and not see what anyone finds so appealing, but, if it pleases the eye of someone, makes that person smile, or inspires them, it is art. It is expression, and an expression that makes someone feel, can, in my opinion, be called nothing else but art.

Love is the same way.

Someone told me once that the opposite of love is apathy.

The love might need to be sculptured, have the rough edges smoothed out, but its still love.

I’ll take it any day over apathy.

And I’ve never seen apathy in my workplace.

Thank you Lord.



4 responses to “What -is -it?

  1. DM says:

    Thanks for the reminder! My dad (especially ) has a hard time expressing his love to me verbally, and physically….Also has a hard time affirming me..(again, I know he is proud of me, but has some kind of warped idea that if he says it, it will go to my head) anyway, I concure. DM

  2. Susan says:

    It has taken me a long time to expand my idea of how different Love can look on different people. The post comes from both professional and personal experience. DM, thanks for sharing.

  3. What about a love of apathy?! 😕

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